Category dropdown by the search bar not updating

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    • #2851

      Juliano Garcia


      I’ve installed the theme and customized it. Later when I edited the product categories the top dropdown by the product search bar is no longer showing the new category. It only shows the “All Categories” and “Uncategorized” options, but the new product categories.

      Is there a way to have it work with all the categories?

    • #2853

      Spiracle Themes

      Hi Juliano

      Thanks for reaching out.
      You have to manually add the product categories there. Just go to Appearance -> Menus and select the menu from the dropdown. Check Screenshot 1

      If you don’t have any menu for that. Just Create a new menu with the link.

      Once selected the Menu. Use Custom links to Create menus. Just add the Category name and the Category link here.
      Add menus until you added all the categories. Check Screenshot 2

      After that, Just Save the menu and make sure it has selected Category Menu as the display location. Check Screenshot 3

      Best Regards

    • #2856

      Spiracle Themes

      Hope you’ll get the idea

      Best Regards

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