Crater Free isn’t loading correctly

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  • Author
    • #1892


      I followed your youtube video, and I’m not getting Crater Free to work. I uploaded the 3 files etc, but it’s not working like your Demo 2. (My website was previously published with a different theme before. I also deleted all pages and media from previous theme, but still not working.)

    • #1893

      Spiracle Themes

      Hi Mary,

      Could you please retry again and let us know.

      You can use this plugin to reset the installation

      Note: This plugin will reset all the pages and posts from your website. So please be careful before proceeding.

      Best Regards

    • #2405

      Ondine Francis

      hi, i downloaded correctly the crater 2 and have it looking great in wp admin, changed all the background photos etc, even attached my old blog pages but when it loads online hardly any of the sections actually load up. just the header and first photo and then the footer. Please help – really want to finish and give a good review!

      • #2409

        Spiracle Themes

        Hi Ondine

        First of all, deactivate the autoptimize plugin as it shows the error in Search Console.


        Let us know once you deactivate it.

        Best Regards

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