Crater Footer Social Widget : Icons missing This topic is empty. Viewing 1 reply thread Author Posts Actions Reply July 5, 2020 at 10:34 am #2086 MayankGuest Hi, I am using the free version of the Crater Theme with my wordpress account. The theme works great, but in the footer, the social media icons are not appearing. I saw the same in the demo provided as well. Please assist. Warm Regards Mayank Actions Reply July 6, 2020 at 3:18 am #2087 Spiracle ThemesGuest Hi Mayank, Thanks for reaching out. We are working on the new update and we will address this issue also in our update. You’ll get the update within a day or two Best Regards Author Posts Viewing 1 reply thread Reply To: Crater Footer Social Widget : Icons missing Your information: Name (required): Mail (will not be published) (required): Website: Set as private reply Cancel Submit