Slider Settings Help

This topic has 13 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 1 month ago by Spiracle Themes.

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    • #321


      We upgraded to Prasoon Pro so we could use the Slider feature, but I can’t see where to add Slider Images. Under Slider settings, I chose “Slider Images”, but nothing happens.

      Any help appreciated as I complete this project. Thanks!

    • #322


      I got the slider to work by finding it in the Widgets section. However now I am missing the heading text (which I changed to an image in the header.php) and the subheading text I had from general settings. I would still like to have those things pop up over the slider. Is that possible? I would also prefer if the slider images wouldn’t become disproportionate – do you have a recommended size?

      Thanks in advance!

      • #323


        Oh and I would also like them to advance on their own.

    • #324


      Hello Kacey,

      First of all use this child theme we have made for prasoon pro version

      and follow the steps as mentioned in the video

      I will tell you what to do next.


    • #326


      Hi! Thanks for the link and videos. I already made a child theme of the Prasoon Pro using the plugin “Child Theme Configurator”. It seemed to have worked well. Just having issues with not being able to have the heading text and subheading text found in general settings to go over the top of the slider. And the scale of the images are distorted.

      In addition to the slider, I am having issues however when I copy some of the php widget files into the child theme folder. The changes I make to them do not seem to override the parent files. I need to make changes to most of the widget php files. Is there a way to do this without having to change the parent ones? My changes are just being ignored right now. ):

      Thanks again!

    • #327


      Hello Kmorrow,

      We have included the sample code in the child theme. If you open the functions.php you will see how you can edit any widget and add CSS with clear instructions. If you’ll use the child theme we have created then only we’ll able to help you. We don’t know what you have written in your child theme.

      After you install our child theme. Just copy the slider section widget from the parent theme (parent root folder->inc->widgets ) to child folder (child root folder->inc->widgets ) and edit it. After that add widget path in functions.php like the example mentioned in child theme.

      For the slider images. I recommend same with and height images. Like if you’re going to use 1600px X 800px then use all the images with same 1600px X 800px resolution.


    • #329


      Thanks so much. I added your child and now I am able to adapt the widget php files effectively!

      I still however have two remaining issues.

      1. Do you know a way to adapt the CSS so the images would remain proportional. They are still being stretched on my desktop even though I have them all at the same size. Is there a way to have them go beyond the size of the screen and just be cropped essentially maintaining proportions. I have tried to fiddle with the CSS for the slider, but can’t get it to do this.

      2. I would like to have the logo and sub-heading text appear centered over the slider. I really liked how it looked when I had just used a single background image and used the General Settings info I entered. I essentially would like the header to go over the top of the slider widget with a centered logo and subtext animating in. Right now I have it appearing but it is above it and not overlapping it. You can see on the current website.

      here is the code i adapted. I took it from the Header.php file and added it to the slider-section-widget.php file.

      Just after the first slider if statement, i added what you see below.

      <?php if(“slider” === get_theme_mod( ‘slide_option1_radio’ )){

      <div class=”promo-section wow fadeInUp” data-wow-duration=”2s” data-wow-delay=”1s”>

      <div class=”container”>

      <div class=”row”>

      <div class=”col-md-12″>

      <!–<h2><?php echo esc_html(get_theme_mod( ‘home_heading_text’ ));?></h2>–>
      <h2><span class=”mainlogo”></span></h2>

      <p><?php echo esc_html(get_theme_mod( ‘home_subheading_text’ ));?></p>


    • #330


      Took a lot of work, but I think I figured it out. I need to check it on multiple devices but I think it does what I want.


    • #331


      Hello Kacey,

      I had some important work so I was not available to reply.
      I think adding the images of same width and height should do the work.
      The website is looking good now. For animation on slider we can use animate.css.


    • #332


      Hello Kacey,

      Few suggestions from my side

      1) In OUR MENU section. Clicking on icon should open a new tab displaying the pdf.

      2) Use this code for contact form. Paste this code in your contact form html code. Placeholders are not aligned in your contact form

          [text* your-name placeholder 'Your Name*'] </label>
          [email* your-email placeholder 'Your Email*'] </label>
          [text your-subject placeholder 'Subject'] </label>
          [textarea* your-message placeholder 'Your Message*'] </label>
      [submit "Send"]

      3) I think the contact section subheading has extra line height
      Use this css for that

      .contact-section .title p{
      line-height: 15px;
      margin-top: 20px;


    • #335


      Thanks for your suggestions. I made those changes. (:

    • #337


      You are welcome 🙂

    • #1464

      Ingo Wittig

      I upgraded to Prasoon Pro for the slider feature and have followed the directions in the documentation and still cannot get the slider to appear. I’ve started out with two pictures of identical size to try it out. Is there a size limit or recommended size? Could that be tripping me up?

      I’ve gone further and followed the instructions posted above and installed the Child Theme, copied over the Slider Section Theme from from Parent to the child theme folder and edited the function.php in the child theme to show the path to the widget.

      Is this correct?:

      require dirname( __FILE__ ) .’inc/widgets/slider-section-widget.php’;

      Still no slider. What have I missed?
      One question. In Yogendra’s comment above: “After you install our child theme. Just copy the slider section widget from the parent theme (parent root folder->inc->widgets ) to child folder (child root folder->inc->widgets ) and edit it. After that add widget path in functions.php like the example mentioned in child theme.”

      what should be edited in the slider-section-widget.php?

      Thanks for your assistance. I apologize in advance for any naive questions, I’m very new to this.

    • #1465

      Spiracle Themes

      Hi Ingo,

      Seems like you’re not using child theme. you don’t have to copy paste anything.
      Please follow these steps

      1) Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Slider Settings. From here, click on Slider Images option
      2) Next you have to go to Appearance -> Customize -> Widgets
      3) Click Business Template. You’ll see all of your widgets here
      4) Now we’ll add Slider Widget. For that click on Add a Widget button on bottom to add a widget.
      5) Search for Prasoon: Slider Section and select it.
      6) After adding slides. Click on publish button to save it.

      Let us know if you need further assistance.

      Best Regards

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