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CassyGuestGood evening, how can I restore the classic checkout page?
Right now I have two columns:
In the classic woocommerce layout we have:
1) BILLING DETAILS on the left
2) YOUR ORDER to the right
and below the additional information.How can we go back to this situation? Thank you
Spiracle ThemesGuestHi Cassy
Thanks for reaching out
This change to the checkout page need the code modification and can’t be done using the CSS.
It involves editing the form checkout page in order to change the layout.
We can guide you but you have to do it yourself.Best Regards
yes, i can get my hands on the code. I made other changes in the past to the theme php files.
In this case what should I do?
thanks -
CassyGuestWhat is the theme page to edit? What is his name? I’m opening all the theme files but I don’t see which page to edit
Spiracle ThemesGuestHi Cassy
First of all, I suggest you to install the child theme of Own Shop. Link below
Own Shop Child ThemeIf using already then you can proceed to the next steps
Step 1) Locate the checkout template file: Navigate to your WooCommerce plugin folder and locate the checkout template file. You’ll find the file here wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/form-checkout.php
Step 2) Now in your child theme create a folder named woocommerce and then create a subfolder named checkout inside it. Copy the form-checkout.php file from plugin to the checkout folder in your child theme.
Step 3) Open this file using any text editor and modify it according to your requirements
Best Regards