0 support, so dissapointed

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    • #3110


      I am pretty disappointed, no one ever responds to emails, I have paid twice for the pro version of “own shop” the first time I got to use it for 2 days before support at go daddy had to reset my word press (not because of the theme) but of course when I went to use the key it didn’t work, I sent multiple emails, and never heard a word back ,so I just sucked it up and paid again, and the key was NEVER emailed to me, now I am in the same support less situation.

    • #3112

      Spiracle Themes

      Hi Frank

      Thanks for reaching out
      Is this is your email address : info@moarlow.co ?
      This email is not reachable you can see the response email we are getting from Freemius


      Please provide us an alternate email address so that we can reach you

      Best Regards

    • #3115

      Frank Beard

      I’m sending this from my phone, I’ve included my email in the form above.

    • #3116

      Spiracle Themes

      Hi Frank

      Please check your inbox. We have mailed you from support@spiraclethemes.com.
      Please check the spam folder also if you didn’t find it in the inbox.

      Best Regards

    • #3117

      Spiracle Themes

      Let us know if you have any questions

      Best Regards

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