Background image not showing in mobile view neither showing background scrolling

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  • Author
    • #2898

      Dipankar Rabha

      Also, I am unable to edit the home background section with elementor, and image background scrolling effect not working in mobile view.

      Depicter Plugin Slider images are also not loading in Mobile view.

    • #2899

      Spiracle Themes

      Hi Dipankar

      Thanks for reaching out
      First of all, make sure that the Disable Home Background section is enabled. To do this go to Appearance -> Customize -> General Settings and then enable the option. Now you can add your own custom home background section and edit it.

      Check screenshot:

      The scroll effect will work only on a desktop and is also mentioned in the Elementor settings.
      As far the as the Depictor plugin you should contact Plugin support.

      Best Regards

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