Changing the Max Size of Logo in Header

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  • Author
    • #2058

      Hannah S.

      I would like to enlarge the logo in the top lefthand corner of the navigation bar, however the CSS limits the logo size to 128×60. What code do I need to add or edit (and where) to change these restrictions? Thanks!

      The page I need help with:

    • #2059

      Spiracle Themes

      Hi Hannah,

      Thanks for reaching out.
      First of all, try to add a lower resolution logo image ( currently it is 1000 x 470 px)

      To change logo size, try the CSS below

      header .custom-logo-link img {
      max-height: 70px;

      Copy and Paste it in Appearance -> Customize -> Additonal CSS

      Note: you can increase/decrease the number 70 to adjust the logo size

      Let us know if you have any questions

      Best Regards

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