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NikolinaGuestHello, how can I remove “Theme by Spiracle Themes” in the footer for Colon theme? Thank you!
Spiracle ThemesGuestHi Nikolina
Thanks for reaching out.
Please follow the steps below1) Go to theme root folder ie wp-content/themes/colon
2) Go to inc-> hooks and open file footer.php with any text editor
3) Remove the text below line number 16if(get_theme_mod('colon_en_footer_credits',true)) : ?><span><?php esc_html_e(' | Theme by ','colon') ?><a href="<?php echo esc_url(COLON_THEME_AUTH); ?>" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><?php esc_html_e('Spiracle Themes','colon') ?></a></span> <?php endif;
4) Save it
Best Regards
I tried what you said but nothing happened, it’s still there? Thank you for the help!
Spiracle ThemesGuestHi Nikolina,
Did you add your own copyright text?
Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Footer Settings and add the copyrights text and then checkBest Regards
NikolinaGuestIt worked! Thank you very much!
after some time it appeared again! Can I make the change permanent somehow? Don’t know why it’s visible again. Thank you
Spiracle ThemesGuestHi Nikolina
You’ll have to repeat the steps again to remove the footer credit.
If you don’t want to lose any changes you should not update the theme.
Or go for the Pro version where you’ll have the option to remove it permanently.Best Regards