White space below the home page slider

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  • Author
    • #1927

      A.M. Jafari

      I would like to change the color of the preloader color is there a way to do this?

    • #1930

      Spiracle Themes

      Hi A.M. Jafari,

      Yes, First of all, you need to choose your color in hexadecimal ie hex code. For that, you can refer to the website below

      Get Hex Code

      Once you get the hex code, you need to paste it in the 3rd color of the CSS below (highlighted in bold)

      #pre-loader {
      border-color: #d0d0d0 #d0d0d0 #336EFF #d0d0d0;

      Copy and paste it in Appearance -> Customize -> Additonal CSS

      Best Regards

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